12 Volt water solenoid valve. Fits Tennant T20 (sn 002873-up), M20, M30 (replaces 1022088)
Fits Aftermarket Tennant 1067700Replaces
Aftermarket Tennant 1067700 Fits
M20 Diesel Scrubber-Sweeper, M20 Gas/LP Scrubber-
Sweeper, M30 Diesel Scrubber-Sweeper, M30 Gas/LP
Scrubber-Sweeper, T20 Diesel Rider Scrubber, T20
Gas/LP Rider Scrubber
Right part , and good stuff
Nilfisk Advance 9098112000
Thanks for all the parts that we ordered from you, the original parts are great always and the reasonable time frame for delivery.